Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jumping Already?

Yup, you heard it, my baby has decided she wants to start jumping at the ripe age of 5 months. To bad the fences she wants to jump are over 5 feet! She was overseen yesterday trying to jump the arena fence, only to of course not make it and crash into it! She completely busted all 3 boards, which are very stout! I didn't bring my camera with me today, but I will when I go on Friday and snap some pictures of her new crashed in fence. I cant believe how ornery she is. ( She wasn't hurt in her attempts. )

I worked with her some today, while her mum was in a lesson, she was very full of herself and bitchy. Always trying to sneak bites and/or just not want to move. I feel I am going to have my hands VERY FULL with her....

On a very sad note, I was told today that the owners of the barn are selling it! Enika herself was very surprised and we are both shocked. She herself has some horse's boarded at the place and now me I have 2. Uncertain times are ahead for me and my horses, not knowing where we will be at in the future. Hopefully still under Enika, cause I'll need help with my baby and Ringo as well.

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